Hi all. Here are the planned assignments for this week. I will try to get through everything on the days indicated; however, as usual, I typically "
overplan," so we don't follow the schedule exactly. Thanks for reading this!
Monday§ Collect poetry graphic organizers
§ Collect two current events worksheets
§ Discuss Emily Dickinson biographical information
§ Read and Discuss these Emily Dickinson Poems: Dying( I heard a fly buzz when I died); Because I could not stop for Death; I hide myself within my
flower§ Distribute and work on Dickinson graphic organizer
§ Study vocabulary words/create flashcards
Tuesday§ Vocabulary Quiz
§ Collect Dickinson graphic organizer
§ Review Dickinson
§ Discuss Walt Whitman biographical information
§ Read and discuss these Whitman poems: A Noiseless, Patient Spider; Beat! Beat! Drums!; In Paths
UntroddenDistribute and work on Whitman graphic organizer
Wednesday§ Whitman & Dickinson Classroom Learning Centers (Listening & responding, interpretive art, reading and interpreting, writing poetry)
Thursday§ Whitman & Dickinson Classroom Learning Centers (Listening & responding, interpretive art, reading and interpreting, writing poetry)
Friday§ Whitman & Dickinson Classroom Learning Centers (Listening & responding, interpretive art, reading and interpreting, writing poetry)