Monday, November 3, 2008

Clarification on Incident Report Policies

Dear Students and Parents,

After school today there was a meeting among Mr. Bibbs, Dean Daniels, Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Gliesmann, and me. At this meeting we discussed many things, including discipline and the fact that students are often asked to change their behavior several times, and these reasonable requests often are ignored. Therefore, this is our policy:

If a teacher asks a student to change his/her behavior or to stop certain behavior and the teacher has to repeat the request one or more times, the teacher will be writing an incident report for insubordination, and this will be forwarded to Dean Daniels.

In other words, if students have to be asked twice to do something or to stop a behavior, you will be written up. I am hopeful that teachers will not have to be writing up many kids, especially since we have all had such a great couple of weeks. If you have any questions, please ask.

Also, we will be discussing this in class tomorrow.


Mr. Poignant

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